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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Top Ten Ways to Make Writing a Novel More Satisfying

My source of inspiration:  Bali

10.  When you are on the computer sit in a slouched position.

9.  Always have coffee next to you when writing—coffee makes everything better.

8.  Keep “pep talk” comments and goals above your desk:  “Write 300 words a day.”  Or “When at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

7.  The advantage of having to work on a computer?  You get to check Facebook and twitter every 15 minutes.  (Not positive this is an advantage…should actually be #10).

6.  Find your name online but doing other things.  It’s really someone else, but it will make you feel so good to think somebody might be impressed that you’re not just a writer:  you’re also a doctor in Albuquerque.

5.  Stop for a cupcake.

4.  Tell your kids you’re writing a book.  They are easily impressed! 

3.  Get your kids involved.  If the whole house is thinking and talking about writing, it can only make them better writers too, which is a great by-product!  My girls have repeatedly started writing their own stories over the past few years!

2.  Write about what’s really important to you.  It will shine through your novel, through your voice.

1.  Remember that at the end of the day, you can only do what you can do.  Every day I look for small growths and achievements.  Keep track of them, and at the end of the year you'll see big growth and hopefully big achievements!

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