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Monday, 21 January 2013

The Importance of Voice

Just a heads-up, YA Author Lindsay Cummings has a sweet giveaway contest....a 3-chapter critique of your YA/MG finished manuscript or WIP!  Go here:


Honestly, critiques are important as you're working on your manuscript.  We get so close to our own material...emotionally attached, really, so it's hard to detach yourself and have a real honest perspective about what it needs.  An honest outsider can give you just that.

When I joined a Writers' Digest Bootcamp (recommend it!) I found that getting my first 10 pages critiqued was quite a big help.  Some important things regarding overwriting were mentioned, as well as positive feedback about a strong voice, with suggestion that I develop and strengthen the voice even more.  Great advice, and I think my revisions make my manuscript so much stronger.

One of my students mentioned in class today, actually, that she thinks "voice" is what makes good poetry.  A strong voice is compelling, intriguing, even captivating.  We can relate, get sucked in to the poem or piece.

So I'm working on this myself with both my manuscripts (one YA and one women's fiction)--working on developing a stronger and stronger voice.  I have read on dozens of author/agent/editor websites that strong VOICE is where it's at.

So I will be here working on getting my literary vocal chords warmed up!

What do you think is the most important aspect of a piece to resonate with your audience?

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