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Saturday, 28 January 2017

An Argument for Mornings

#15 Most people are asleep, so you can imagine the world is all yours for the taking.
#14 The quiet allows your mind to rest and recuperate.
#13 Breakfast foods are yummy (real maple syrup on crispy french toast. I rest my case).
#12 Writing happens often when you're fresh. Your brain is juiced up for creativity after a good night sleep.
#11 It's cooler in the morning, which makes me happy, which makes all right with the world. It also makes me want to write.
#10 No one is arguing and you don't have to say "no" to any child's request.
#9 You are the first to see the news and find out what is happening in the world.
#8 The day is a clean slate. You can forget yesterday and make it what you want.
#7 You are rested after a long sleep (usually).
#6 More babies are born between 8 and 9 a.m. than any other time!
#5 The minutes of morning may actually last longer.
#4 The pressures of the day haven't yet started.  
#3 The birds are eager to sing.
#2 It's the beginning of something, not the end.
#1 A rich, creamy coffee. Maybe the best reason.

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