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Saturday, 17 October 2015

Top 10 Books

It's difficult--nigh impossible-- to come up with a top ten list of books. That's like saying, "Who's your favorite people ever?" How could you possibly decide? You like some people for their humor, how fun they are, admire others for their kindness and sensitivity, you love your mother because of her love, and of course your children are completely adorable because--well, frankly, they're like you, so how could you not think so?

But I threw caution to the wind and decided if I HAD to pick a top ten list of books, if I was strapped to a chair and denied food and water until I gave it up, this is what I'd come up with.

Not that anyone cares, but here it is all the same, in no particular order:

Jane Eyre
Pride and Prejudice
A Tale of Two Cities
All the Light We Cannot See
The Bible
A Room of One's Own
Station Eleven
Anna Karenina

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