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Sunday, 10 May 2015

Top Ten Reasons to Write

#10 You get plenty of quiet alone time!

#9 You now have a good reason not to go running.

#8 You can't dance so at least you have something.

#7 You become better at a particular craft.

#6 You set a great example for your kids of working hard to achieve something.

#5 It may be finally fulfilling a lifelong dream.

#4 You can take what you've learned all these years about reading people and put it to good use.

#3 You may just get to see your name in print one day.

#2 It makes you a better person. You're accomplishing great things and learning so much.

#1 Because it feeds something you can't quite explain. Your soul, your spirit, your heart, your mind. All of them somehow.

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