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Friday, 2 March 2012

A little less about me

I am hoping this blog is not all about me and myself and I.  Many blogs seem to be one person's rantings, like an online diary so everyone can see just how human they are (or read that as.... base).  Why do we have to air our laundry on the world wide web?  It seems excessive.  Things we would never write in a letter to someone, or say on the phone, and of course not say to someone's face, we can say online for thousands of nameless, faceless readers to read! What is the sense in that?

Because strident attitudes and intense feelings are interesting.  They sell.  And ultimately with a blog we are selling some of who we are.  I don't mind "selling" myself just a little.  But I don't want to "sell out."

So this won't be just an online diary.  And it won't be all about me.

(Well, maybe just a little about me.)

I want to write about interesting issues and what I think is important:

Raising children.
And did I say books?

So tune in tomorrow and I'll have something about one of these, and I hope it won't disappoint despite my lack of ranting and raving.

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