Ahh, how I miss it. I long for it: the sleek head, the long gallant lines of its neck, arching over the glistening bowl it cradles gently to itself.
It can mix and blend like nothing else.
It's always there when you need it, even though it might sometimes be in the way.
The Kitchen Aid Mixer.
What a delight it is, and I miss mine. Terribly.
My good friend told me I should put it on my wedding registry as I was contemplating that long walk down the department store aisle. But when she told me it easily costs $250, and sometimes more, I squawked, "Are you kidding?!" In the beginning of my adult days I was a poor teacher, had just paid off a college loan, and couldn't imagine spending that kind of money on anything, let alone a KITCHEN appliance. Wouldn't that mean I'd have to actually cccc-cooook?!
Well, I did put it on my registry, and am I ever glad I did. Actually, no one bought it for us. Not many people are really going to spend that much money on a wedding gift, unless they're your parents or something, and our parents bought our wedding album, and an Amana clock. So there was no one left to buy the KITCHEN AID mixer.
Sniff, sniff.
We bought it anyway, with wedding money! Yeah, for cold, hard cash!
It is a little heavy, a little bulky, a little full of itself, you could say. But it deserves to be! You can throw anything at it and it blends like a champ, without heaving layers of flour around the surfaces of your kitchen counters, like other mixers might, because the bowl has such high sides.
And the engine is probably strong enough to tote a small car through a muddy wasteland. You never have to be afraid it can't do the job. It's TOUGH and RELIABLE.
Cakes, pie crust, pie fillings, cookie dough, bread dough, anything you want, it can make!
But, the saddest thing is, here in Malaysia, I don't have my mixer. No, the wattage is different here, so we couldn't bring my black beauty with us overseas.
So I'm stuck with a HAND mixer. Of all things, a hand mixer! And once you've tried a Kitchen Aid, it's like going from a Porsche to a Ford (no offense, Americans.) It's just so very sad.
So, I am dreaming of the day in June when I walk back into my kitchen back home in Ohio, and see my gleaming, superstar, black and chrome beauty! My Kitchen Aid is waiting for me. I know it's wishing, hoping for me to walk back through that door and make an apple crumble or oatmeal cookies.
It's a secret love affair. Well, I guess it's not so secret any more.
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