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Friday, 30 January 2015

Resolutions: Just Say No

I'm not the type of person to make New Year resolutions.

For some reason they grate against me--as if somehow I've allowed the universe to coerce me into doing something that everyone does, just for the sake of pretending I will actually do it, because "everyone does it" and somehow it will "be an improvement" on my current habits. My current habits are fine, thank you very much.

I'm not a saint or terribly good at committing to exercising, or getting to bed by 10, but frankly, if I want to exercise I will. If I don't want to I won't. I don't need a note written on January 1st where I commit to exercising for 30 days to start doing it!

Actually, I'm so stubborn a note like that sometimes makes me NOT exercise because I want to be contrary!

Oh brother. I guess I really am crazy, or just Scrooge-like (forgive me, please).

So there will be no 2015 resolutions, no 30-day commitments, no 365 days to a new me. I'll take the old me, thank you very much.

But something interesting that I did run across...was a blog where someone said they were picking a WORD for the year. Yes, a WORD, like




And a bell went off in my head. A word! A word I can do.

So, I'm going to go for it. I'm going to pick a word, something that will help me when I'm going a little crazy with my writing drafts or life begins to feel overwhelming, with juggling writing, family, full-time teaching...

I think it's going to be old-fashioned and probably very 1997, this word, but who cares.

My word is...


Just chill and enjoy life. Chill and enjoy writing. Enjoy my kids. Enjoy my amazing students. Even enjoy the tropical heat! Enjoy American Idol for goodness sake! Just enjoy all of it, because the next time it will all be different. The chapter, the students, the age of my kids.

I'm going to enjoy the moment....the sun on the horizon, the laughter in my chest, the smile on my daughter's face...because this exact moment won't ever come again.