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Thursday, 20 November 2014


Nepal with my students involved the most breathtaking and shocking sights.

The mountains...not much can compare.

The city...it was fascinating.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

No More Boring

I'm certainly the world's worst blogger.

I went to a Google conference this weekend and they had so many snazzy photos and videos, I realized I need to get with the program...as in, actually post something interesting once in a while.

So, I found this video and think it's great. Who doesn't love dogs and peanut butter? And the combination? Priceless.  Click here or click on the tongue down there....

I'm sure I'll get 10,000 hits now because of this.


Historical Fiction: revealing history

It's pretty cool when you're researching for a historical fiction novel because you learn SO much information about a time that you thought you knew, but come to find out, you actually know NOTHING about it, at least not in the practical sense. It would be so embarrassing for my 10th grade history teacher if she knew.

Of course I knew that in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed, as most people do.

But, I didn't know these things about our fledgling country:
  • women wore fingerless gloves (but there was a cap for the thumb- thumbs are colder I guess??)
  • a woman's corset was called a "stay" 
  • eggs and bacon was NOT a common breakfast; cornmeal mush was 
  • soldiers were REQUIRED to keep their faces shaven and clean at all times; we imagine scruffiness would be more bold, courageous, even soldierly, but no. (maybe because more chance for lice in close tent quarters? I doubt that's it. Looks like it was just culture back then.)
  • and of course I found out that it takes twice as long to write a novel of this sort because you have to spend 30 minutes researching not only the type of utensils they used, but what ale they drank, what they called their parents, and much, much more, with every page!
It's been quite an undertaking but also a fulfilling process. Exciting to have my novel come together into a real, live book! 

Fingers crossed we get things to the next level. ;)