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Friday, 1 March 2013

Juggling it All: Work, Kids & the Nonsense

Finding the time to write is almost impossible when you're a mom with three kids and you work full time.

My mom was visiting us for two weeks, which was fantastic, but things got even busier than normal, and I always felt like I wanted to spend time with her but I was being distracted by the nonsense of just living.  Like eating, sleeping, driving, working, helping with homework, buying groceries, returning emails, and getting kids in bed!

I don't know what I would do without our amah, Juvy, who makes living in Malaysia a dream come true.  If I had to add laundry to that list I don't know what I'd do.  I realize most parents in the U.S. and everywhere else don't have the luxury of live-in help--I am very blessed indeed.  How do most people do it?  I guess the house stays dirty and you eat pizza more often.

So...working on my novels, querying, and blogging have been low on my list of priorities lately.  The last two days I've had more of a chance to get back to work on these things that often get pushed aside in the busyness of groceries and paper grading, and it has been a joy to do so.

How to make it all work?

Breathe.  Sleep.  Drink red wine at night.

And laugh.  That's one thing I did a lot with my mom.  Whenever she'd say awkward things like "The Thailand people must..." or "Orientals..." or some other such old-fashioned phrase, I'd just have to shake my head and laugh.  Those midwesterners.  Gotta love 'em.  They bring you back to your roots, and remind you a smile and a laugh is sometimes all it takes to bring back the balance.