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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A Girl Can Dream, Can't She?

My Dream is....

not for a romantic dinner for two (although that would be nice)
or a roomful of new Gucci bags and Prada clothes (or shoes?  what does Prada make? I'm pathetic.)
or a beautiful kitchen (wait, I take it back, that is part of my dream)....
or a shiny new Porsche

It sounds crazy and sort of frivolous or  just like I have no inspiration, but my dream is for a BEAUTIFUL DESK to work at.

Yes, I would love something that smells of the Nottingham forest
and looks shiny like the wicked stepmother's mirror
And is as hard and dependable as the oak tree I climbed in to read when I was a kid.

To be able to sit at a wide surface and spread my papers and writing out luxuriously, to feel the smooth finish beneath the brush of my fingers as I reach for a revised version of my work, or a student paper, or the copy of The Garden of Evening Mists which I just happen to be reading...

To have a place that is mine to dream, write, and wonder why and how and how long....

This is the great envy I have at present!  I am tired of writing from my bed with its unreliable sinking mattress and its mouse-like squeaky headboard!  I want a desk like real writers and dreamers and adults have.

The good news is....

I'm going shopping this weekend!